Monday, January 7, 2013

Civic Duty

Wow, after being away for the holidays for almost two weeks, what a pain in the patootie to have to go right into fulfilling my civic duty.  Having to be at the courthouse in Kew Gardens on January 2 wasn't exactly what I had in mind to start the new year.  Oh well.

You're not allowed to say anything about this particular civic duty, but I have some generic thoughts that I think I'm allowed to throw out there.  If not, I'll either have to take this post down or I'll be arrested.  One or the other.

Things I've noticed:  there are some people who have a badge who use it as a hammer instead of as a sign of authority/respect; apparently, if you lie down across a pew while an oath is being given, you're sent right home; don't use good handwriting on forms if you don't want to end up as a recording secretary; color and lighting in a room can really affect whether you can stay awake and pay attention or not; people in authority who sound like Bebe Neuwirth automatically get my attention; people in authority who repeatedly start every sentence with 'by the way' automatically lose my attention; according to a certain someone, you should be careful out there because bullets don't know your name...

If I make it through this without losing my mind, it will be a miracle.  Send positive thoughts, please.  :)

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