It seems like I've been waiting forever for the ABT season to start! Probably since last July, after I saw my last show. :) But ever since I got my tickets, I've been uber-ready to see some ballet. I was SO happy to have Giselle be my first ballet of the season. It's just one of my favorites. I love the music, the emotion, the pas de deux, and the women making the men dance themselves to death. What's not to like?? AND, not only is Giselle once of my favorite ballets, but I was going to see my favorite ballerina, Julie Kent, dance as Giselle! I honestly could barely contain my excitement.
[Speaking of photos, I forgot to take my camera. And my binoculars. I'm an idiot. I will have to remember them from now on. My phone didn't get great curtain call shots. And speaking of lights, the follow-spot operator may have been napping or something, because the intensity kept going up and down during the second act, sort of like a car turning their brights on and off.]
I thought the performance was gorgeous. Marcelo Gomes was a wonderful Albrecht, as always. I could really feel his confidence and ardor in the first act, where it seems as if he starts off as only wanting to conquer Giselle, but then falls desperately in love with her. When he first approaches her, and stares into her eyes as he dares to kiss her hand (and dares her to stop him) was thrilling. His dancing was virile, yet airborne. He really is a dream. And in the second act, when the Wilis are forcing him to dance, it's a whirlwind. Gorgeousness.
Julie was sublime, in my humble, extremely biased opinion. In the first act, she's a gentle, shy and romantic girl, which makes the mad scene quietly scary. Her dancing has a lyrical loveliness that just draws you in. If she's dropped a bit in technique (she may stay en pointe a little more briefly, or her leg may not get as high in arabesque as before), her acting and complete musicality more than make up for it. But her arms and back are as exquisite as ever. And I was weeping in the second act. She seemed to be made of gossamer air. In her final pas de deux with Gomes, she was skimming through space like the spirit she's become. His partering was expert and their love was palpable. More gorgeousness.
Gennadi Saveliev was Hilarion (Albrecht's rival for Giselle), and I found his acting much better last night. Last summer, he was rather terrible in the acting department, though his dancing is thrilling. His dancing in the scene with the Wilis was breathtaking last night. A controlled chaos, though his exit seemed a little abrupt. The choreography looked different to me, not that I'm an expert or anything.
Veronika Part was a powerful and strong Myrta, chief Wili. You really felt her wanting these men to die. The corps were also grand. Sarah Lane and Daniil Simkin did the peasant pas de deux in the first act. She was a little off-balance and seemed to fall off pointe a couple of times, but the end variation made up for it. I also liked Kristi Boone as Albrecht's rich girl fiancee.
The audience was quite enthusiastic throughout the performance, but there was one guy who started applauding way too early during any particular variation. And he was a 'loud clapper,' so you know the clapping was more for himself rather than for the dancers. But other than that guy, it was a good house. Sadly, the balcony was nearly empty on either side. I don't know if that means that people are tired of Giselle, or if they're waiting for other couples to dance it. It will be interesting to see what the crowd looks like Saturday afternoon. But hooray - ballet season is here!!
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