I'll be a little light on the theatergoing and reviewing for a bit, though I do have more ballet coming up, of course, and a few plays towards the end of June. My Tony voting friends have been a little stingy with their invites this year (just kidding, generous Tony voter friends). But I thought it might be fun to post a few photos of food and sights I've recently experienced about town.
I got a new tablet in the last month or so, as my laptop died a tragic, blue-screen-of-death, death. Which ticked me off, but that's a whole other blog post. Anyway. I've been curious about how good photos would be taken with the tablet - although I think it looks dorky to stand around with a big tablet taking photos. I just hadn't taken the tablet out of my apartment yet until recently...

After the AIDS Walk a couple of Sundays ago (I took the year off from walking this year), I met my two most favorite handsome pals for brunch (they DID walk and raised a lot of money!). We went to a fun restaurant called Sugar and Plumm on the Upper West Side. I was a bit worried at first that it would be too loud and full of screaming kids, but it was fine. It's very light and airy in there, and they've done a good job with keeping the sound from escalating throughout the large dining room. For brunch, I got the bacon, egg and cheese waffle, which was off the charts delicious. The iced coffee was very tasty as well. Their brunch menu is amazing, so I definitely want to go back. I think I'd like to take my nephew, because their ice cream sundae menu looks awesome as well and my nephew is a connoisseur of ice cream sundaes. Enjoy this photo of the deliciousness. But before I met my handsome pals for brunch, I wandered around the Upper West Side taking photos with my tablet. You'll notice a strange format to the pictures below - I thought I had accidentally turned on a telescoping feature in the camera, but no. My brilliant and handsome pal showed me that I was just taking pictures through the hole of the tablet case. Sigh. I'm a maroon. Next time I experiment with photos, I'll take the tablet out of the case. Some of the photos still turned out pretty well, even if I am a dope...

Last Thursday night, I met those same most favorite handsome pals, along with my most favorite beautiful gal pals, at Tree Bistro, on the east side. I got there a little early and took some photos of their charming garden in the back. These photos are with the iPhone, so I need to really examine closely to see if the tablet takes better photos than the iPhone. If you have opinions, let me know. These are important things to know before I start my museum viewings on Summer Fridays (I have two museums in the queue, with a couple of other road trip-type ideas for later in the summer) - photographing and recording charming and beautiful things is a fun thing to do in this town. Oh, and my duck wontons and mashed potatoes at Tree - a dumb dinner combination but they were what I was craving in the vaguely chilly weather that night - were delicious. Everything needs to be served with that cranberry ketchup on the side. So enjoy some photos, have a great weekend and I'll be back soon with more thoughts on the ABT summer season! There may also be some tennis thoughts on the way, as we head towards the second week of the French Open...

I love these people; photo credit - Nicholas Wuehrmann |
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