hi! I'm born! |
So...the big 5-0 has come and gone. I had a fantastic party on the official day of days, with terrific friends from the past, present and future. I also had a fun-filled party when I went home for a long weekend. I'm hoping to fit at least one more party in before the end of April. Why not?? You only turn 50 once! Unless I decide to throw myself huge 5-0 parties every year. I mean, I can't really afford to take the big trip I wanted to take this year. What's to say I can't just pretend to be celebrating a milestone year EVERY year and fit a trip in, just for fun?? Excuse me as I go buy more lottery tickets...

A group of chums and I went to one of my favorite New York places, Bathtub Gin, on my birthday. I had a blast - there was much laughing and sharing. A wonderful, beautiful gal pal from my undergrad days was there, as was a brand new friend I just met recently, alongside another dozen or so beloveds who made me feel celebrated and loved. I swore I would only have one cocktail, but, ugh, yes, I had two. And boy did I feel that second drink on the plane to Louisville the next morning. But my oh my, they sure tasted good!!

For some reason, when we got to Bathtub Gin, we had to stand outside in line. Which was odd. I got a text from a friend asking if he had the wrong night. I texted back, 'wait, are you inside already? Because they won't let me in!' It was very comical. We finally got in, after I forced the bouncer to check my ID and tell me I looked young for my age. And originally, when I made the reservation, they had told me we had to be out in about two hours. Of course, I was there for a lot longer than that. Thankfully, Bathtub Gin indulged me. The food was tasty, the drinks were tasty, my friends were, as always, delightful, and I had my picture taken in one of the bathtubs. Perfect night? I should say so.
When I booked my trip home for my nephew's birthday, I told my mom she had to throw a party for me. I threw my own 40th birthday party and I knew I wanted to celebrate with my family again, but this time I wanted someone else to do the work. : ) My sister rented her church basement, my mom did the cooking and made the cake (well, she bought one, too), and my nephew and dad did most of the decorating. I helped...a little. But it was great fun.

The church had a little stage area, where a couple of throne-like seats were placed. Of course, while wearing my tiara, I had to go up there and sit in a big throne chair and open my gifts. OF COURSE I DID. I think you all know me well enough to know that's what I did. Everyone in my family gave me thoughtful gifts, a couple of my littlest cousins helped me open them, and we all had a great time. Coincidentally, another of my cousins ALSO had a birthday party that night. So after my party was over, my mom and I made an appearance at his party. I was stunned to find out we had just missed the entertainment, who turned out to be an old friend of mine!! I was so bummed I missed him! When I e-mailed him to tell him we were two ships that passed in the night, we decided to fit in a lunch before I left Ohio. It was lovely.

Oh, and we also celebrated my nephew's fourteenth birthday while I was home - yikes! Fifty doesn't make me feel that old (well, it does, but not too badly), but my nephew being fourteen sure does!! He's so grown up! And I keep telling him he was a baby and a toddler just yesterday! (every time I say that, I get an eyeroll with an "oh, Aunt Tari") For his birthday, we played board games most of the day, ate some Chinese food, and just sat around and relaxed. That was what he wanted to do, so we did. It was a nice calm day. Unfortunately, he came down with the stomach flu soon after, so I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I would've liked. I guess I'll have to plan another trip home this summer. I have to get some more hugging in (though hugs often trigger eye rolls as well, sigh). I'll post some more pictures from my celebrations below. Enjoy and celebrate YOUR day!! :)
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