I just love how personal and how profound the characters and dialogue are in Quiara's plays. It's as if we're eavesdropping on a personal conversation, that's how real and spot-on the dialogue is. Every actor seems to play their character with a light touch, and yet you can see the pain and agony underneath, which makes their actions even more poignant. And realistic, in my opinion.
The other story centers on Yaz, Elliot's cousin, who is living in Philadelphia and has taken on a nurturing role amongst the poor and homeless in her neighborhood. We first see her after she has bailed a neighbor (and longtime friend) out of jail. As the scene plays out, you can see all of the history of her life in that neighborhood, what she has given up and what she is reaching for, all in one conversation with Agustin, the drunken n'er do well/musician she has rescued from jail. All of a sudden, the conversation takes an unexpected turn and as Agustin starts to seduce Yaz, he is also seducing the audience. Well, he was seducing me at least. I found Tony Plana, as Agustin, to be ever so wonderful in this piece. I think his story moved me most, not that I wasn't completely taken with every actor and character, I just felt his most deeply.
These stories intersect by Skype conversations between the cousins - in these conversations, you can see who they are, but in their interactions with other characters, you can see who they want to be. Whether or not they get there is part of the delight in watching this story play out. Quiara is a wonderful storyteller and I was completely engrossed throughout the play and could seriously have listened to those actors, playing those characters, talk to me and tell me stories all night. Their need for forgiveness, and their desire to move away from the failures of their past, was tremendously cathartic to me. And, as a fantastic bonus, there was live music composed by Nelson Gonzalez and played by Gonzalez and two other musicians. I thought the music beautifully expressed the world of the play and of the characters, plus it was used ingeniously for other sound effects throughout the play.
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