I've been hearing about the new rock musical
Murder Ballad for months, ever since it played at Manhattan Theatre Club. Then, when it transferred to the Union Square Theatre, I knew I wanted to see it. But for some reason, I kept putting it off and putting it off. After they announced their closing date, a devilishly attractive friend and I took advantage of TDF and got a couple of tickets for last night. You're allowed to take pictures inside the theater before the show begins, so I'll post a few of them throughout this rambling review.

Before seeing the show, I knew basically the plot and that the cast is considered uber-hot. I also knew the show was done rather environmentally - the Union Square Theatre has been set up to resemble the downtown bar owned by one of the characters in the piece. So there are tables strewn around and audience members can get upclose and personal with the actors throughout. There is also theater seating, which is where my DAF (devilishly attractive friend) and I sat. Thank heavens. I think I'm just too old to sit at a bar table and have people dance on it. But maybe that's just me.

(photo at left is by Joan Marcus. standard disclaimer applies.) You can probably gather from my previous comments that I was perhaps not the target audience for
Murder Ballad. I liked much of the music and thought many of the lyrics were beautifully poetic and I would be perfectly happy to listen to the cast album again. I thought the cast was talented and performed admirably. But, I'm sorry to admit, I was pretty unengaged throughout. Mainly, it's because I just didn't like the characters. I know, I know, it's not necessary for me to always like characters, but goshdarnit, why should I care that one of them is going to be murdered (not a spoiler, it's in the first song and most of the reviews) if they're all so unlikable?! I just saw reckless, stupid, self-destructive and self-indulgent people running around for 90 minutes. Yes, they were attractive and scantily clothed, but I wasn't getting any heat. Any of the combustible chemistry that I'd heard so much about. I'm sure part of the reason for that is because we saw two understudies out of a cast of four. They were just as talented and attractive as the other two performers, for sure, but I didn't get any chemistry. I didn't see the lust or the physical manifestations of "I've got to have you or no one else will." It just seemed like a lot of posing and attitudes and hair flinging and boot posturing and push/pull, but no heat.

I freely admit that I have a blind spot about unearned (in my opinion) self-indulgent behavior, so perhaps I just wouldn't have loved this piece no matter what. I will also admit that I have no knowledge about the murder ballad as a genre. Also, I admit at one point I DID get engaged and my pulse quickened when it became apparent we were finally heading towards the final showdown. I guess I wondered who would die and by whose hand, but also at one point, I was just ready for them all to die. And it briefly crossed my mind that if a particular character was going to be the victim, I might have to stand up and scream. Or leave. Either way. Perhaps there's value in getting a response like that. Maybe.
I did think the staging and the physical production were quite good, and I've already mentioned I think the cast is extremely talented, as was the kick-butt band. The rest of the audience seemed to really get into it and leapt to their feet at the end. So, as I said above, I think I'll just chalk this one up to my not being quite the right audience for it. Oh well. On to the next show...
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