I believe I've mentioned before that I love
Romeo and Juliet, especially as danced by ABT. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to see Natalia Osipova's first performance as Juliet with David Hallberg as her Romeo. Last Friday, I went back to experience their wonderful dancing again. And I was not disappointed in the least.
The ease with which they dance together is astonishing. You can't manufacture chemistry and these two dancers have it in spades. They're so sure with each other - the implicit trust is spectacular. They have speed and conviction, along with gorgeous technique and musicality. They've also deepened their acting, in my opinion.

The acting in
Romeo and Juliet last Friday rivalled many productions of the play that I've ever seen. I just think this entire cast gels together in a way many casts never do. Jared Matthews and Joseph Gorak as Mercutio and Benvolio blend beautifully as Romeo's friends. In their trios, there is such a rapport, and there were bits I don't think I've seen before, like Romeo coming in at the end of the Mandolin Dance for Mercutio to jump over. Just wonderful, both in the quality of the dancing and the way the choices informed the characterizations.

Le Corsaire, I didn't think Osipova was doing much acting, just dancing - beautiful dancing, but I didn't see a throughline. In
Romeo and Juliet, she is simply spectacular. She was so natural and affecting, I just couldn't stop watching her, even during the mime scenes. Waiting to take the sleeping potion was heartstopping - she filled the music fully with her terror and resignation. Her fevered dancing with Hallberg during the bedroom scene was eye-opening. And the balcony scene was tremendous. I found myself holding my breath through much of it, because I just couldn't believe the beauty and the speed and commitment. And don't even get me started about their pas de deux in the crypt - stunning. STUNNING. So much passion and sadness. It was glorious. And, as always, that final pose just broke my heart. The spectacular shot on the right (as opposed to my unspectacular shots throughout) is from the ABT Facebook page and was taken by Gene Schiavone. I think you can get a glimpse of their rapport in this photo.

David Hallberg, as always, was superlative. The change in his demeanor from his dreamy-eyed follower of Rosaline to his shaken-to-the-core passion for Juliet was beautiful. Plus, his comaraderie with his pals was also loose, free and fun. But always with gorgeous gorgeous amplitude and extension. I don't think I could ever say enough about how wonderful he was. I wish I could see him dance
Swan Lake tonight, but there's always next season. Unless I win the lottery - then I'll be heading over to Moscow to see him dance with the Bolshoi. That's not too obsessive, right?

Since I had to change my ballet tickets to a Friday, I got off work early for a summer Friday. I decided to try a new lunch spot: Ca Va, the new-ish Todd English restaurant near my office. By the time I got there, the restaurant itself was closed, but the lounge area serves food and drink all day. I sat in the very comfortable lounge and enjoyed a quiet lunch of mini lobster rolls and a glass of rose. It was delightful. Delicious and delightful. I will definitely have to go back to try more food there. And sitting in the lounge is probably more enjoyable than sitting in the restaurant - it was very comfortable and relaxed. A very worthy pre-ballet late lunch. I may do it again next Friday, when I have my
Swan Lake tickets...
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