I've been SO exhausted lately. I mean, I've always been relatively lazy, but this is different. At least, I think it's different. I wasn't this tired last year at this time after all the surgeries (not counting when I was on narcotic drugs, of course). All the doctors told me it would take me about a year to feel like myself, since I'd had so much anesthetic throughout the surgical process. So, I've been waiting to magically feel like myself again. Not yet.

When I saw Dr. Pay-in-Advance in March, she took blood, just like any oncologist would do after all my stuff last year. I didn't hear anything back, so I figured nothing was wrong. When I saw her again in July, I told her about being so tired and she said, let's do a blood test. I told her she had done one already (sigh. if I have to pay in advance, the least she could do is look at my chart before my appointment. but I digress). She looked at the results and said, oh, you're really low on vitamin D. Take a 5,000 IU supplement. Uh, ok. I guess all those years of staying indoors and the massive amounts of sunscreen that led to my lily-white complexion are coming back to haunt me.
Oddly enough, all of the 5,000 IU supplements I saw online were made with gelatin, which makes them not-so-vegetarian. I briefly toyed with just taking the gelatin pills and using them as an excuse to eat bacon again, but thought, no, I can figure this out. I found a vegan supplement that was only 2,000 IU, but I figured it would be better than nothing. Dr. Pay-in-Advance assured me that other patients who started taking the supplement felt more alert immediately.
Not so much. Still tired. So when I went to my annual gyno exam in early September, I told my doctor (I've never given her a nickname - why is that, I wonder?!?!) about being so tired and she decided to do another blood test. Fingers crossed my insurance doesn't explode. But a week later (as opposed to having to wait four months), she called me and told me that I'm anemic AND massively low on vitamin D. So she gave me a prescription for 50,000 IU of vitamin D to take once a week for eight weeks (ok, your normal multivitamin has about 800 IU in them, so WOW that's a lot of vitamin D!!!), and a prescription for iron supplements. After the eight weeks, I'm to go back and get my blood checked again.
I've been taking them for a week, I guess (second dose of huge vitamin D pill was yesterday), so I'm ready to feel better. Not yet. If I hadn't had a massive deadline at work, I would've stayed home Thursday and Friday. As the saying goes, I'm awfully tired of being tired. Though I'm glad nothing worse turned up.
Clearly, I took good health for granted all these years and now I'm being forced to work harder on my own wellness. I should be exercising and cooking for myself, but that takes a lot of energy. Energy I need just to function some days. It's become like a slowed-down hamster wheel, where each day I'm spinning the wheel and trying to make something new happen and I'm so ready to jump off and feel like myself again. I feel lame starting up with the complaints and the worries again, but maybe if I think aloud and put stuff out there, I can talk myself into feeling like me again...
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