So, 2011 was quite a year. Not quite in the way I could’ve imagined, but that which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Or so they say. Anyway, I was taking a look at my desk calendar and found the following numbers interesting:
Theater visits: 49
Ballet visits: 10
Readings/workshops: 11
New museums: 4
New restaurants: 12
Surgeries: 4
Doctor appointments: 30
Yikes! Thirty visits to doctors?! No wonder I’m sick of them! That’s just crazy. Hats off, though, to Dr Vera Wang, Dr Julie Halston, Dr Pay in Advance, Dr Pinhead, Dr They Didn’t Operate on Your Legs, Dr Hume Cronyn and Dr Let’s Skip That Test, for making all these visits a little more bearable. Here’s hoping that in 2012, the number of visits decreases dramatically.
Making Top Ten lists seems to be popular, but I’m not quite sure I can do it with so small a sample size. First, here are my 2011 Eleven Favorite Theater Pieces (didn’t include ballets here). Seems like a good compromise to me. So, in no particular order:
NY Philharmonic Company concert
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
The Normal Heart
Peter & Wendy
Good People
Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo
Lemon Sky
Hugh Jackman: Back on Broadway
Some work I'm looking forward to in 2012:
Porgy and Bess (Norm Lewis, hello)
Jesus Christ Superstar (um, Tom Hewitt? I'm THERE!)
Evita (oh, I don't know, can we say Michael Cerveris??)
Rebecca (I'm actually sort of terrified, but I'm sooooo curious, and, I just read Howard McGillin is going in! I love Howard McGillin!!)
Newsies (dancing newsboys--what's not to like?)
The Best Man (I enjoyed the last revival, and this has a killer cast)
Harvey (first play I ever did)
How I Learned to Drive (the original was brilliant but I'm dying to see what Norbert Leo Butz does with it)
Judith of Bethulia (Charles Busch's new play--I already have my ticket!)
Favorite foods of 2011:
sweet corn tortellini at Quince restaurant in Evanston, IL
penne martelli at Villa Mozart, Fairfax, VA (no photo, sorry)
linguini alla vongole at Regional
avocado timbale at Candle 79
crab with glutinous rice at East Lake Seafood Restaurant
chalupas/sopes at La Palapa
lobster roll at Lobster Pot, Provincetown, MA
octopus salad at Cavo
lemon dessert crepe at Crepes du Nord
watermelon feta salad from Whole Foods (sorry, no photo)
sun-dried tomato/kalamata olive pizza slice at Bella Vita, around the corner from my office :) (I'll have to get a photo of this next time I get it for lunch!!)
Welcome to new boyfriends
Perhaps I should do a reality competition, like the Next Iron Chef, to be Tari's Next Boyfriend. I'm sure there would be thousands of applicants. Ha. Anyway, speaking of Next Iron Chef, I am adding a surprise boyfriend this year:
Geoffrey Zakarian - he had me at 'Shazam', and the little giggle after he won. adorkable.
Arian Moayed - he was sublime in Bengal Tiger and tragic in King Lear. I can't wait to see what he does next
Michael Park - yum; was amazing in Burnt Part Boys as maybe seven different characters
Thank you to old boyfriends, who remain forever loved in my heart: Mark Blum and Mark Rylance, who each rocked the house in TWO shows this year. Love. Looking forward to seeing some uber-fave boyfriends in shows next year: Cerveris, Esparza and Norm Lewis. I just know they're going to bring it and remind me why I fell in love with them in the first place...
Some work I'm looking forward to in 2012:
Porgy and Bess (Norm Lewis, hello)
Jesus Christ Superstar (um, Tom Hewitt? I'm THERE!)
Evita (oh, I don't know, can we say Michael Cerveris??)
Rebecca (I'm actually sort of terrified, but I'm sooooo curious, and, I just read Howard McGillin is going in! I love Howard McGillin!!)
Newsies (dancing newsboys--what's not to like?)
The Best Man (I enjoyed the last revival, and this has a killer cast)
Harvey (first play I ever did)
How I Learned to Drive (the original was brilliant but I'm dying to see what Norbert Leo Butz does with it)
Judith of Bethulia (Charles Busch's new play--I already have my ticket!)
Favorite foods of 2011:
sweet corn tortellini at Quince restaurant in Evanston, IL
penne martelli at Villa Mozart, Fairfax, VA (no photo, sorry)
linguini alla vongole at Regional
avocado timbale at Candle 79
crab with glutinous rice at East Lake Seafood Restaurant
chalupas/sopes at La Palapa
lobster roll at Lobster Pot, Provincetown, MA
octopus salad at Cavo
lemon dessert crepe at Crepes du Nord
watermelon feta salad from Whole Foods (sorry, no photo)
sun-dried tomato/kalamata olive pizza slice at Bella Vita, around the corner from my office :) (I'll have to get a photo of this next time I get it for lunch!!)
Welcome to new boyfriends
Perhaps I should do a reality competition, like the Next Iron Chef, to be Tari's Next Boyfriend. I'm sure there would be thousands of applicants. Ha. Anyway, speaking of Next Iron Chef, I am adding a surprise boyfriend this year:
Geoffrey Zakarian - he had me at 'Shazam', and the little giggle after he won. adorkable.
Arian Moayed - he was sublime in Bengal Tiger and tragic in King Lear. I can't wait to see what he does next
Michael Park - yum; was amazing in Burnt Part Boys as maybe seven different characters
Thank you to old boyfriends, who remain forever loved in my heart: Mark Blum and Mark Rylance, who each rocked the house in TWO shows this year. Love. Looking forward to seeing some uber-fave boyfriends in shows next year: Cerveris, Esparza and Norm Lewis. I just know they're going to bring it and remind me why I fell in love with them in the first place...